Achieving success in sport is not only built on physical and technical training but also on psychological factors. Sports performers are nowadays looking at gaining that extra edge to help them achieve success and become professional athletes. Thus, the use of psychology in sport is becoming increasingly popular.


The general population is also realizing that exercise plays a big part in living a healthy lifestyle but engaging in exercise may not be an easy task for some and individuals working in the fitness industry need to understand different personalities and how to motivate individuals.


This course builds on existing knowledge and experience and is aimed at providing the student with advanced knowledge, skills and competences required to work and progress in the sport and exercise profession. The programme will draw upon the students’ experiences in sport and exercise settings to help provide a specific frame of reference for the study of human behavior in sport and exercise settings.


This programme will give students an overview of the key areas in sport and exercise psychology. These include a general introduction into the subject and  theoretical knowledge on issues of concern to the athlete when performing. These include arousal and anxiety regulation, concentration styles and mental warm-up techniques. Students will be taught skills (also practically) they may use/ or they may teach others to use in order to enhance performance – these will include goal-setting techniques, visualization techniques, relaxation skills, psyching-up strategies, concentration skills and pre-performance routines.


Knowledge on personality characteristics, self-confidence, eating disorders and child development and are also crucial topics to the coach, sports administrator, physical trainer and medical personnel working within the sport and exercise profession.


During this programme, students will also focus on the psycho-social aspects of sports performance. This includes leadership in sports, listening and communication skills, team dynamics and team cohesion, psychological testing in sport, emotional intelligence, motivation, benefits of sport and exercise, transitional challenges athletes face throughout their career, drug-abuse and match-fixing in sport.


During the course students will also take time to discuss various case studies brought up by the lecturers and others they themselves may come across in their work.